
I love food.

I love cooking it, baking it, eating it, thinking about it…before I’ve finished breakfast I’m planning what to have for dinner.  It’s a hobbie turned obsession turned day-job and there’s one lady I can at least partly blame for it.  This prominent figure from my childhood who shaped my imagination and provided so many food-shaped dreams is Enid Blyton.

I’ve read pretty much every offering, from The Secret Seven to The Famous Five, The Faraway Tree to the perhaps lesser read Malory Towers series.  While the premise and the storylines differed, one thing remained constant – the gorgeous food that so many of the stories were built around.

The Famous Five guys had many an impressive adventure what with all the smugglers and all, but lets face it – the lasting memories from that series are of lashings of ginger beer, tinned sardines and tins of pineapple chunks.  Hard-boiled eggs, tongue sandwiches and ‘a couple of squares of chocolate’ were just the icing on the cake!

The Secret Seven feasted on homemade lemonade at their meetings in the shed, accompanied by freshly baked ginger biscuits and rock buns, while Darrell and her friends at Malory Towers sucked lemons between lacrosse games and celebrated with ‘wizard jammy buns’ afterwards.  Every description made me salivate and there began my interest in food and in baking.

My favourite of all favourites however has got to be ‘The Faraway Tree’ series.  While The Famous Five and co. provided real life picnic snapshots, The Faraway Tree added a little bit of fairy dust…


The wonders found in the pages of these books will never cease to make me smile and make me hungry.  Firstly we have toffee shocks – toffees that got bigger and bigger in your mouth before exploding into nothing …then the amazing pop biscuits that start out as regular biscuits but explode into honey in your mouth!  I know, that delicious pack of choc-chip cookies in your drawer just dont seem good enough anymore do they?  The tree itself grew loads of treats, from lemons, to cherries to practically anything else you can imagine!

I love that to get back down the tree you had to pay Moonface (yes, his face was shaped like the moon) in toffees and only toffees.  I love that you could visit a land at the top of the tree where everything, even the door knockers, is made of sweets and treats.  I love that you could pop a Google Bun in your mouth and have raisins filled with sherbet explode and fizz up in your mouth!

Even now, in my (very) late 20’s, I am getting that warm and fuzzy feeling and I’m smiling, just from remembering.  It’s the same feeling I get from baking a new banana and chocolate cake and cutting a warm slice for someone you love.

Inspiration for baking and getting yourself in that kitchen doesn’t always have to come from recipe books or the Good Food channel.  Sometimes its great to revisit your childhood and regress just a little bit.  A little bit of magical fiction is never a bad thing…

Nic X